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"So HELP Me (Supervisior Edition)"

See the direct connection between a supervisor's behavior and the way employees treat customers.  

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View the Leader's Guide (Adobe Acrobat - PDF file)

How do supervisors affect customer service? We all know that frontline service people directly impact customer satisfaction.
But we don't often look at how much a supervisor's behavior influences the service a customer ultimately receives.

"So HELP Me" (Supervisor Edition) takes a fresh look at customer service by showing the direct connection between a supervisor's behavior and the way employees treat customers.
When employees are listened to, respected, and encouraged, they will do the same for their customers.
Supervisory behaviors that promote excellent service include: telling people what they're doing right,
helping employees find solutions, focusing on people rather than numbers, empowering people to do their jobs,
and turning mistakes into opportunities for growth.

"So HELP Me" (Supervisor Edition) demonstrates supervisory practices that facilitate excellent customer service.
The result is not only a better service provider, but also a loyal and satisfied customer.

Soon available in French
and already available in Spanish


·        New Supervisors and Managers in all Service Industries  

·        Experienced Supervisors and Managers in all Service Industries


      - Tell people what they're doing right
That good feeling will get passed on to your customers.
      - Take customers directly to what they need
When you can't help, take them to someone who can, even if it's outside your department.
      - Help employees find solutions for customers
Take the time to help employees work within policy to solve customer problems.
      - Focus on people, rather than numbers
When employees feel that you care about them, they're far more motivated to care about your customers.
      - Empower people to do their jobs
Employees will feel that they have the responsibility - and the power - to solve customer problems themselves.
      - Turn mistakes into opportunities for growth
Dealing with mistakes privately is a perfect opportunity for individualized training.
      - Be inclusive

Purchase: Euros HT 965.  /  Rental

Available in DVD video

Running Time:  18 minutes

Includes comprehensive 28 page leader's guide with reproducible worksheets
- complete program available for preview.  


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Mont Valérien
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